Debt Funding

Debt Funding

Do you need to secure funds but  do not want to sell a part of your business? Do you want a straightforward repayment programme with a simple cost structure? Debt funding could be the answer, provided you have the required revenue and a strong credit rating. 

Debt funds are no longer a niche. They are occupying a large and expanding terrain in the financing markets.

The frothiness in bond markets and tightening spreads triggered by the global liquidity glut from quantitative easing has driven investors to peripheral markets and into increasingly riskier capital structures. Why not take advantage and let our expert team help you craft a customised set of economic and investment related fund terms to match you commercial objectives. We actively invest in high-growth businesses and can also raise funds  through various debt instruments specified:

  • Capital from institutional funding ( Banks- Public & Private ) starting at a minimum of 20 million dollars and above
  • Private Equity Debt funding for huge capital injection up to 400 million dollars
  • Hedge funds for capital to similar tune with higher interest rate
  • Private funds that invest in credit strategies – by focusing on senior debt, mezzanine finance or special credit opportunities
  • Full cash backed Standby Letter OF Credit (SBLC) issued by large International Banks